Kim is a picture book written and Illustrated Bruce Treloar. This alone makes the book a huge accomplishment when looking at the amazing quality of both the written and artistic work. First published in 1978, the immediate thing noticed when reading the book is the technique used for the illustrations. The technique implements a water wash appearance. Although the illustrations aren’t fine the detail is built by the use of shading and gradients in colour.
The written text is large in appearance and the typical text layout utilises shallow line width. The first page sums up the setting of the story very succinctly. The use of adjectives is prominent. The written text has a huge focus on describing colours which are the reinforced by the amazing illustrations. Much of the text is used to describe. The real story is told in the illustrations. The illustrations make full use of the full spread of the book. This creates a panoramic story.
The story that the text tells is finished by Kim returning home to the relief of her grandmother, “for her gran knew that the beauty of the ocean concealed it’s darkness and anger”.
Daniel C. Kelly
I have never heard of this book but just by the look of the front cover, it is very inviting. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but young students would be excitied to find out what the story is about.